Séminaire à Paris sur l'agressivité chez le chien
Le comportement agressif chez le chien
We are happy to receive Chirag Patel, Clinical Animal Behaviorist in the UK, APDT member, certified in "Behavior Adjustment Training" (BAT), for a 2-day conference in Paris.
Date: 28 and 29 September 2013
Location of the seminar: Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort - 7 avenue du Général de Gaulle - 94704 Maisons Alfort
Rate: 230 euros
Registration: isautelet@yahoo.fr – 01 43 28 26 60
Les 28 et 29 septembre 2013 à Paris
A practical look at understanding, managing and modifying aggressive behaviour in dogs. This weekend seminar explores aggressive behaviour towards people and other dogs focusing on understanding aggression at an emotional level including basic neurobiology, re-considering labelling aggression, useful tools in behaviour counselling and practical ideas for managing and modifying the aggressive behaviour.
Demonstrations with dogs presenting agressive behaviors will be shown.
Chirag will also discuss puppies and puppy training looking at spotting early signs and educating to minimise possible aggression problems in later life.
Le conférencier : Chirag Patel
Chirag Patel, PGCert (CAB), BSc (Hons), DipCABT is a Clinical Animal Behaviorist in the UK, near London. He does behavior consultations (dealing mostly with aggressive behavior in dogs that is directed towards other dogs and people), runs classes, and trains dog trainers. He's even prepared a dog/chicken show (yes, the chickens were trained with positive reinforcement, too!) for Britain's Got Talent. Chirag is the 1st European Certified BAT Instructor.
His interest in the field of dog behavior developed in 2001 after acquiring a gorgeous biting, dog reactive German Shepherd.
Chirag's passion for training and behavior led him to San Francisco where he completed an internship in Dog Aggression under Jean Donaldson and was also mentored by Dr Ian Dunbar. Chirag has also completed training with Ken Ramirez, Bob Bailey, Nina Bondarenko, Grisha Stewart, and other experts in their field. Chirag holds a BSc (Hons) in Veterinary Sciences from the Royal Veterinary College and a Post graduate certificate in Clinical Animal Behaviour from the University of Lincoln.
Chirag enjoys reward-based training with a range of animals everything from dogs to degus. That includes humans as well: Chirag is very interested in incorporating TAGteach (teaching with acoustical guidance) when teaching people and is primary certified. He hasn't left out rodents, either: in 2010 Chirag worked as the primary trainer on a project clicker training rodents for odor discrimination.