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About Irene
25 years of passion for dogs
Lifelong learning
So as to give the best service to my human and doggy clients, I keep on learning with ethologs, coaches, trainers and dog behavior specialists, reknowned in France or worldwide, for their skills.
Dog courses followed
- Course "Tenue de consultation et intervention en comportement canin", Simonne Raffa. December 2018
- Course "agression et agressivité du chien" organised by SEEVAD. December 2016
- Course "training and dog behavior" with Jean Lessard. Novembre 2015
- Agility workshops with Jessica et Fabien Flouret. September 2015
- Course 'Do as I do' level 1
Claudia Fugazza. May 2014
- Agility workshops "maîtriser les obstacles" et "conduite"
Declic et des chiens. July and September 2013
- Clicker-Training workshop, advanced level
Kimberley Johnson, certified by Karen Pryor Academy, Aug 2012
- Dog Dancing workshops
Isabelle Robelet, Champion of France 2008 cat. intermédiaire, July 2012
Alexandra Creusot, Jan 2010
- Workshop "gestion du chien à comportements extrêmes"
Françoise Martin, Oct 2011
- "Cautious dogs, fearful dogs" (chiens prudents, chiens peureux)
Sheila Harper, Jan 2010
- Animalin, formation en Clicker Training et en Education Canine niveau 2
Catherine Collignon, 2007
- EAPAC, formation en Comportement Canin
Dr Alain Weiss et Joëlle Caverivière, 2007
Dog seminars attended
. DogEvent 2015, Paris - Susan Friedman, Kathy Sdao, Ken Ramirez, Jo-Rosie Haffenden, Kelly Gorman Dunbar, Joey Iversen, Grisha Stewart, Chirag Patel, mai 15
. "Click to calm, heal the aggressive dog", Paris - Emma Parsons, juin 14
. "Dog aggression: from brain to bite", National Veterinary School of Paris Alfort - Chirag Patel
Sept 13 - Organized by CANI CLASS and Dog's Compagnie
. 1er Symposium d'éthologie vétérinaire, Paris - SEEVAD, Sept 11
. "Le chien agressif, comment l'aborder..." , Paris - Françoise Martin, March10
. 4me Université d'Automne des Comportementalistes, Paris, - CAD, Nov 09
. 4me Congrès international de l'éducation canine & du comportement, Paris - MFEC & SFC, Jun 09
. "Bien-être et bien-traitance d'une espèce à rôles multiples...", Paris - SFC & SPA, Sep 08
. "Homme et animal : de la douleur à la cruauté", Paris - LFDA, Oct 07
. "Entre chien et loup", Colloque international, Lyon, Feb 06