CANI CLASS Dog Training School in Paris
- 01 43 28 26 60 -

Dog Trainer and Behaviorist, Paris, Ile de France, Vincennes, Val de Marne (94) CANI CLASS Private and Group classes

About Irene

25 years of passion for dogs

Formation Cani Class
Agility Cani class caniche

My passion for dogs started when I was a child.  I started to get interested in dog behavior when I was 10 years old, with a preference for gentle training methods, which were very rare at that moment. 

  About Irene Cani Class I use to take car of my
   friends  and neighbors' dogs,
   before I could get my own
   dog when I was 15
.     Parcours Irene Cani Class    


Lifelong learning

So as to give the best service to my human and doggy clients, I keep on learning with ethologs, coaches, trainers and dog behavior specialists, reknowned in France or worldwide, for their skills.


Dog courses followed

- Course "Tenue de consultation et intervention en comportement canin", Simonne Raffa. December 2018

- Course "agression et agressivité du chien" organised by SEEVAD. December 2016

- Course "training and dog behavior" with Jean Lessard. Novembre 2015

- Agility workshops with Jessica et Fabien Flouret. September 2015

- Course 'Do as I do' level 1
Claudia Fugazza. May 2014

- Agility workshops "maîtriser les obstacles" et "conduite"
Declic et des chiens. July and September 2013

- Clicker-Training workshop, advanced level
Kimberley Johnson, certified by Karen Pryor Academy, Aug 2012

- Dog Dancing workshops
Isabelle Robelet, Champion of France 2008 cat. intermédiaire, July 2012
Alexandra Creusot, Jan 2010

- Workshop "gestion du chien à comportements extrêmes"
Françoise Martin, Oct 2011

- "Cautious dogs, fearful dogs" (chiens prudents, chiens peureux)
Sheila Harper, Jan 2010

 - Animalin, formation en Clicker Training et en Education Canine niveau 2
Catherine Collignon, 2007

- EAPAC, formation en Comportement Canin
Dr Alain Weiss et Joëlle Caverivière, 2007

Dog seminars attended

. DogEvent 2015, Paris - Susan Friedman, Kathy Sdao, Ken Ramirez, Jo-Rosie Haffenden, Kelly Gorman Dunbar, Joey Iversen, Grisha Stewart, Chirag Patel, mai 15

. "Click to calm, heal the aggressive dog", Paris - Emma Parsons, juin 14

. "Dog aggression: from brain to bite"National Veterinary School of Paris Alfort - Chirag Patel
   Sept 13
- Organized by CANI CLASS and Dog's Compagnie

. 1er Symposium d'éthologie vétérinaire, Paris - SEEVAD, Sept 11

. "Le chien agressif, comment l'aborder..." , Paris - Françoise Martin, March10

. 4me Université d'Automne des Comportementalistes, Paris, - CAD, Nov 09

. 4me Congrès international de l'éducation canine & du comportement, Paris - MFEC & SFC, Jun 09

. "Bien-être et bien-traitance d'une espèce à rôles multiples...", Paris - SFC & SPA, Sep 08

. "Homme et animal : de la douleur à la cruauté", Paris - LFDA, Oct 07

. "Entre chien et loup", Colloque international, Lyon, Feb 06


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