You have just adopted a puppy or an adult dog?
CANI CLASS guides you step by step for a successful training.

Puppy Package:
Good for puppies up to 3 months*
- Puppy socialization: when and how make him discover his environment to make him become a balance adult dog, comfortable and reliable in any circumstances.
- House-breaking, walk on leash, information about feeding, how to deal with the first nights, teaching the house rules...
- Teaching basic exercices (sit, lie down, stay...)
Adoption Package:
Good for dogs adopted for less then 1 month*
- Understand the evolution of the adopted dog caracter
- Help your dog integrate into his new family
- Teaching house rules and exercices
Rates: 420€ 400€ for 5 lessons; 650€ 620€ for 10 lessons; 950€ 910€ for 20 lessons.
* on the basis of certified documents and with the promo code "ADOPTION".
For any question or to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us: 01 43 28 26 60 / 06 45 95 58 39